Wednesday 23 October 2013

Fat Loss Factor Review - Why It Will Work For You?

Hi there, Edmund here.

Are you sick and tired of weight loss programs that claim to help you lose weight within a short period of time but they do not provide you with the precise directions?

I am sure we have all got through this at some point of our lives when we are trying to get rid of that additional flab that we have on our body for an important occasion.

That is why I was quite skeptical about this new fat loss or weight loss program, Fat Loss Factor when it was released late last year.

So why am I writing this? Well, when I was researching and thinking about buying this course, I couldn't find many real reviews about this program so I thought I'd write a proper one to help anyone who might be in the same position as I was.

And here is my uncensored review of what I really thought about Dr. Charles Fat Loss Factor program.

To start off, what on earth is Fat Loss Factor?

This program is designed by a certified nutritionist and weight loss expert, Dr. Charles Livingston. It is a lifestyle-change based weight loss program that will provide you with everything that you need to achieve your weight loss goals within a 90 days timeframe.

Why should I consider this program?

First of all, it begins by helping you to identify why you want to lose weight. The reason why many people fail to follow through on their weight loss regime is due to a lack of purpose.

Identifying Your WHY

When you are clear about what you want, you will be most likely to do whatever it takes to get it. This is a very important trait that differentiates people who are successful from those who are not.

Secondly, many weight loss programs in the marketplace requires you to give up certain food groups entirely in order to slim down. Although you will be able to see results quickly, it is actually bad for your health and in most cases, the results are not sustainable.

However, in Fat Loss Factor, you actually have a cheat day out of a week to enjoy what you love to eat. This is really good for people who cannot give up on certain foods like ice-cream and chocolates.

Cheat Day

For myself, I love to eat chocolates. Therefore, if I am not allowed to eat it, I will probably be very unhappy with the program and not have the motivation to pull it through. :)

Thirdly, the program emphasizes on lifestyle change which I feel is very important. The reason why we are overweight is due to our poor lifestyle habits like eating in the middle of the night, not having sufficient sleep and adequate exercise.

Pick Your Pace

That is why I love this program because it will guide you at your own pace to change your lifestyle habits one at a time. I feel that this is more manageable compared to changing everything at one go. In fact, you will be more likely to succeed in your weight loss attempt by taking baby steps.

Fourthly, if you are someone like me who is clueless about what to eat and what exercises to do for weight loss, you will love the eating and exercise plans that come together with this program. In fact, they do come up with new eating plans to cater to people's needs from time to time in the member's area.

Eating Plans

You will be glad to know that the exercise plans are divided according to beginner, intermediate and advanced based on your fitness level. This is good news for people who haven't been exercising for a long time.

Workout Plans

Finally, there is an email support which you can get direct access to Dr. Charles to clear your concerns if you have any. In fact, you can work with him to achieve your weight loss goals.

You have up to 60 days to try the program. Therefore, if you are not happy with the program, you can always return it for a full refund.

What's exactly inside this program?

Now I will be showing you the member's area of Fat Loss Factor. Note the video is quite long. Therefore, you can skip to the portion that is of most interest to you. :)

Who is this program for?

For people are willing to put in some effort to lose weight and maintain their results for life since you would have acquired healthy lifestyle habits by then. It is certainly not designed for people who are looking for a shortcut to losing weight.

I mean this is already the best shortcut that I have found. It is totally impossible to lose weight and maintain it by not monitoring your food intake and exercising. I believed you know what I mean if you have tried many weight loss programs and failed.

Are there people who are successful in this program?

Well, there are loads of them. In fact, you can see them for yourself at the official site here. I will not list the comments since it would make this review too long.

My Final Take

At the end of the day, there are many avenues that you may consider for your weight loss attempt. The key is to identify what you want and whether this program matches your needs. If it does, then go for it. You wouldn't know the outcome until you have given it your best shot, right?

So take action today by purchasing the Fat Loss Factor from the safe, official website here.

And if you want to save $10 off your purchase, you can actually close the browser and a pop-up will appear. Just click on the pop-up and you will be able to buy the product at $10 off. All your best in your weight loss!

Rooting for ya!

Edmund Yeo